Saturday, July 26, 2008

A bit of "creative" writing

     Suddenly I found myself surrounded by an inky blackness. And yet, it was not entirely black. I could see swirling mists of color in various places, yellow, green, purple, blue, and many others. My companion had become a yellow orb. Distraught and shaken, I attempted to reach out to him in order to steady myself. I found to my utter horror that I was now without form. I was now completely disoriented. What had happened to me? And what was going to happen next?
     My companion told me that I was going to have to prepare for a trial. I was stunned. Was I dead? Was this going to be the final judgement? Would I have a lawyer to assist me? This was just too much for me to take in. No, he informed me (it was at this point that I noticed the answers were just coming into my mind as thoughts) I was not dead. This was no "final judgement." And they did not have lawyers. I had no idea how I was to defend at trial if I didn't have a lawyer. What I was told next was the greatest shock of all. I was the accuser.
     I explained that I had always been taught that God, the Creator of our world, owned everything and had complete discretion to do whatever he wished with his creations. My companion told me it didn't work that way. They had rules in their society and the rule against oppression of sentient beings (even on created worlds) was exceedingly serious. If the stories of "everyone needing a savior" and "eternal fire and torment" were true, this being himself faced banishment as he represented a danger to all sentient beings.
     My companion lead me to region in this strange place that he said was their equivalent to a library. It was a mass of objects that I cannot begin to describe. There were many other orbs there. Some of the objects would leave the mass and approach one or another orb. Objects would also leave the presence of the orbs and assimilate into the greater mass.
     He led me to a small corner of this mass. It was empty except for a few of the objects. He informed me that this was where they kept the copies of the rules of the society. As the orbs were generally very cooperative, there was seldom any cause to come to this area. He also informed me that, because I was unfamiliar with this realm, he would help me to understand how to use the resources to make my case. He then stressed that it still be up to me to make my case. He could not help me with that. He could only help me learn how to use the resources.
     He explained that to use the objects, I had to summon one of them with my mind. I fixated on one of them (they were all red in this corner) and it came near me. Suddenly, rules of the society entered my mind; and they weren't coming from my companion. Causing of pain for its own sake was not permitted. An amount of pain within a manifestation was allowed for the purpose of increasing the excitement of existence within the manifestation. This was going to take some time. I didn't really understand most of it.

     UPDATE: I added a title

Friday, July 25, 2008

What a brat

     The nilkeths on this world better start loving me the way they are supposed to. After all, I am their creator. I gave them life. Well, mommy did buy this world for me at the store. But it's MINE!! And I gave them life by not killing them. They owe me!!
     Those nilkeths were really wicked. They thought they should be allowed to live their lives as they saw fit. Well, I showed them!! I killed them off with a flood. All except a chosen few. I had to keep some to repopulate. Mommy won't buy me a new world. She's mean.
     I like making the nilkeths fight each other. There's this one tribe. I told them that they were my chosen nilkeths. Maybe they'll love me right. I have them slaughter whole tribes and tell them I gave them the land. It's wonderful to hear the screams of the baby nilkeths as their heads are dashed to pieces.
     I came up with this neat new way to make the nilkeths fight each other. I told them about "permanent safety." But I gave different groups different rules. I told them it was very important to spread the word through their whole world. I also told them that dissent was from an evil demon and that they had to kill posessed nilkeths without mercy. That was fun!!
     Mommy was mean again. She took away my world. She said I can't have it back until I learn to play nice. I don't wanna play nice. It's MY world and I make the rules!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I decided to create a second blog

     I will probably not maintain it as often as my primary blog. But I thought it would be amusing. The title of the blog is a bit of an inside joke. (No, I will not explain it.)